Thursday, August 12, 2010

The First Post (Tawnya)

I guess I am bored enough to have created a blog for the band, so we can all write here. For the moment, it's entertainment for our devoted followers (you know who you are) and of course us.

At the moment, we are in the final stages of finishing our first CD of the current group. This is very exciting for me. I can't wait to have the final product in my hands, and see what this does for the band. We have put in time and effort over the past months, to the reshaping of the band. It's exciting to see and hear the progress that we have made so far!

As a band we have grown closer as friends, gotten to know each others family members better, and have really started to bond during rehearsals and gigs. This usually happens through bickering and poking fun of one another, but it's all done in fun... right? Being the only female member of the band, the boys have done their best to hold back the crude jokes, but sometimes, they just can't help themselves. And sometimes I just can't resist either!

I am looking forward to the year ahead to see the concerts and gigs that come our way, and how we grow together as a band. In my opinion things are 'Goin' Up' from here on in.